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Information for Students Aware of an AI Violation

Information for Students Who are Aware of an Academic Integrity Violation


What should I do if I know of an academic integrity violation by another student?


You should report a violation or suspected violation either to the professor of the course or to the chair of the Academic Integrity Council. Depending on the situation and the additional evidence that can be obtained, the professor, in consultation with the chair of the AI Council, will determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support a case. For example, a professor might be able to verify that a paper was plagiarized by submitting the paper to Turnitin; a professor might be able to verify that students inappropriately collaborated on an assignment by comparing the work submitted by those individuals; a professor might be able to verify that a student cheated during an exam by speaking with other students who sat near the student in question. In cases where it is not possible to obtain additional confirmation (and a hearing would not likely lead to a student being found in violation), it may not be feasible for the professor to file a charge.

Even if you suspect that no corroborating evidence could be found, you should still talk to the professor or the chair of the AI Council. The professor can take measures to help prevent similar behaviors in the future. The professor might redesign the assignment, address academic integrity expectations in class in greater detail, or more carefully monitor a particular student during exams.


Do I Really Need to Report This?


Violations of academic integrity that go unreported and unaddressed contribute to a campus culture that accepts academic dishonesty as normal, encourages others to cheat and plagiarize, and ultimately demeans and devalues the accomplishment of hardworking individuals. By having the courage and conviction to report violations, you are affirming the integrity of your Roanoke College campus community.


Will my report be confidential?


If the evidence corroborating your report is sufficient to support a charge there may not be any need for you to appear as a witness at a hearing, and at your request your role in reporting a violation will be kept confidential. If your eyewitness testimony is crucial to a case, you will need to decide if you are willing to be a witness. If you are not willing to appear during a hearing, it may not feasible for the professor to file a charge. However, as mentioned above, the professor can use this information going forward to help prevent future violations of academic integrity.


Revised November 2022