Fowler Speakers
Notable Speakers
- Claude Steele, Identity, stereotypes and building trust ( September 18, 2023)
- Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Defending Democracy and Defeating Toxic Tribalism (January 23, 2024)
- Dr. John Inazu, "A Dialogue on Freedom, Difference, and Civil Society"(March 19, 2024)
- Dr. Henry Louis Gates, " The Rise and Fall of Reconstruction" (April 14, 2022)
- Mara Liasson, "Implications of the Mid-Term Elections: A View of Democracy in America" (November 2, 2022)
- P.J. O'Rourke, "Leading Political Commentator and Humorist" (April 15, 2021)
- A.B. Stoddard and Chris Stirewalt, "Starting Over: The Future of American Democracy" (November 9, 2020)
- David Ignatius, "Can We Talk? Civil Discourse and Democracy" (February 19, 2020)
- Jen Psaki, "Civil Discourse and Democracy: Howard Kurtz in Conversation with Jen Psaki" (November 12, 2019)
- Jon Meacham, "Leadership and Character: Do We Need to be Good to be Great?" (March 28, 2019)
- General James R. Clapper, "Intelligence Needs for the Future" (March 22, 2018)
- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, "What to Expect From Washington in 2014 and Beyond" (February 4, 2015)
- Senator Joe Lieberman, "Can We Stop the Partisan Polarization that is Crippling our Government?" (November 20, 2013)
- Doris Kearns Goodwin - Constitution Day Speaker 2011, "Presidential Power after Lincoln" (September 21, 2011)
- Sandra Day O'Connor- Constitution Day Speaker 2009, "Judicial Independence" (September 17, 2009)
- Secretary Lawrence Eagleburger, "The Future of United States-Russia Relations" (March 30, 1994)
- President Gerald R. Ford, "The President and the Congress: Can They Work Together?" (September 27, 1990)
- Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, “Germany and the United States: Signals of Danger and Hope: A Conference of Distinguished Scholars and Statesmen” (April 12, 1985)
- President Jimmy Carter, "Conflict and Consensus: America Today" (April 10, 1984)
- Henry A. Kissinger, "The Future Role of United States Foreign Policy" (May 3, 1983)
All speakers, Present-1983
- Dr. Leila Hanafi, Advancing Women's Access to Justice in Post-Conflict Societies" (April 14, 2022)
- Cathrine Coleman Flowers, "One Woman's Fight Against America's Dirty Secret: Seeking Environmental Justice for Rural and Marginalized Communities" (January 24, 2023)
- Leonard Pitts, "Think Again: How to Survive the Misinformation Crisis with your Brain In Tact" (November 2, 2021
- Jon Meacham, "Leadership and Character: Do We Need to be Good to be Great?" (March 28, 2019)
- Noah Goldberg and Peter Beinart, "The Results of the 2018 Elections" (November 14, 2018)
- General James R. Clapper, "Intelligence Needs for the Future" (March 22, 2018)
In cooperation with the Delta Gamma Ethics in Leadership Program
- Kelly Ayotte, "The Next America: The View from Congress" (October 30, 2017)
- Dr. Claes Ryn, "Can the United States and China Live Together? If so, How?" (March 1, 2016)
Constitution Day Panel led by Mike Pace (Roanoke College General Counsel), September 15, 2016
In cooperation with the Turk Pre-Law Program and the Center for Teaching the Rule of Law
- Bob Woodward, "The Meaning of the 2015 Elections: What Just Happened?" (November 17, 2016)
- Tim Jones - Roanoke City Police Department, "Can a Christian Be a Cop?" (April 13, 2017)
In cooperation with Reformation 500 - Ross Douthat, "Bad Religion and American Culture" (March 28, 2017)
- Jon Huntsman, Jr., "Our Future With China" (November 2, 2015)
- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, "What to Expect From Washington in 2014 and Beyond" (February 4, 2015)
- Kirsten Powers with John Inazu, "The Meaning of the 2014 Elections" (November 19, 2014)
In cooperation with the Robert D. Benne Center for Religion and Society - Dr. Gordon Wood - Constitution Day Speaker 2014, "Advice to the Egyptians from the Founding Fathers" (September 16, 2014)
- Dr. Robert George - Constitution Day Speaker 2013, "Judicial Supremacy? Lessons from Lincoln" (January 27, 2014)
- Senator Joe Lieberman, "Can We Stop the Partisan Polarization that is Crippling our Government?" (November 20, 2013)
- Stephen Hayes and David Gushee, "The Meaning of the 2012 Elections" (November 13, 2012)
In cooperation with the Robert D. Benne Center for Religion and Society - Stephen Carter - Constitution Day Speaker 2012, "The Importance of Honesty to Constitutional Government" (September 20, 2012)
- Mark F. Miller and Tom D. Mays, "The Role of Roanoke College during the Civil War" (November 16, 2011)
- Binh Danh and Robert Schultz, "Specimen Days: Walt Whitman, Virginia, and the Civil War" (November 9, 2011)
In cooperation with the Copenhaver Endowment and the English and Fine Arts Departments
Mystic Chords of Memory: Results of the Civil War, 2011
- Lucas E. Morel, "Lincoln and Race" (November 2, 2011)
In cooperation with the James C. and S. Maynard Turk Pre-Law Program - Doris Kearns Goodwin - Constitution Day Speaker 2011, "Presidential Power after Lincoln" (September 21, 2011)
- Jon Meacham and Jody Bottum, "The Next America: Is America Still Exceptional?" (April 6, 2011)
In cooperation with the Center for Religion and Society - Matthew Continetti and Paul Glastris, "The Meaning of the 2010 Elections" (November 9, 2010)
In cooperation with the Center for Religion and Society - Larry Sabato - Constitution Day Speaker 2010, "A More Perfect Constitution" (September 22, 2010)
- Jared M. Diamond, "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed" (April 7, 2010)
- Nicholas Carr, "The Shallows: Mind, Memory, and Media in the Age of Information" (November 11, 2009)
- Sandra Day O'Connor - Constitution Day Speaker 2009, "Judicial Independence" (September 17, 2009)
- George Will, "Lessons Drawn from the Twentieth Century" (April 6, 2009)
- George Nash, "The Future of Conservatism in America" (February 11, 2009)
- Douglas Brinkley, "Presidents of the Twentieth Century" (October 2, 2008)
- Roy Smith - Constitution Day Speaker 2008, "Business, Government and the Constitution in the Twentieth Century" (September 19, 2008)
- Michael Barone and Mara Liasson, "The Meaning of the 2006 Elections" (January 31, 2007)
In cooperation with the Center for Religion and Society - William Kristol and Anthony Lake, "Americas Global Strategy in the 21st Century: Conversations in the Public Square" (October 11, 2006)
- Roger K. Newman - Constitution Day Speaker 2006, "Original Sin and Original Intent" (September 19, 2006)
- Lech Walesa, "Democracy: The Never Ending Battle" (March 27, 2006)
- Margaret Carlson and Gary Dorrien, "The Future of Liberalism in America Liberalism: Conversations in the Public Square" (January 25, 2006)
In cooperation with the Center for Religion and Society - David Brooks and Dr. Richard Land, "The Future of American Conservatism: Conversations in the Public Square" (October 6, 2005)
In cooperation with the Center for Religion and Society - Fred Barnes and Peter Beinart, "The Meaning of the 2004 Elections" (January 27, 2005)
Civil Rights: The Legacy and the Promise
- Chad Corntassel Smith, "Native American Rights and Cherokee Culture" (November 3, 2004)
- Jack Greenburg, "The Meaning of the Brown vs. Board of Education Decision" (October 27, 2004)
- Juan Williams, "Eyes on the Prize: The Truths of American Race Relations" (September 2, 2004)
Religion and Politics in the Middle East
- Cokie Roberts, "Faith in Politics" (October 4, 2003)
- Randall Robinson, "Reparations and Race in America's Future" (January 23, 2003)
- Dr. Carol Swain, "The New White Nationalism in American: Its Challenge to Integration" (October 24, 2002)
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Endowment for the Humanities and the Center for Religion & Society
- Edward Said, September 24, 2002
- Stephen P. Cohen, September 18, 2002
- Dennis B. Ross, September 18, 2002
- Benazir Bhutto, September 17, 2002
The Role of Virtue in Public Life
- Dr. James Q. Wilson, "The Moral Sense" (April 9, 2002)
- Dr. Edward O. Wilson, "The Future of Life" (March 23, 2002)
- Oscar Arias, "A Global Vision For Peace and Development" (November 2, 2001)
- Robert Dole, "Leadership: Values in the 21st Century" (March 25, 2001)
- Dr. Cheryl Sanders, "Ministry at the Margins" and "The Future of African-American Churches" (March 30, 2000)
In cooperation with the Center for Religion and Society
- Shelby Steele, "The Path Ahead for Ideological Diversity Among African-Americans" (March 16, 2000)
- Dr. Carol M. Swain, "The Path Ahead for African Americans in Politics" (March 16, 2000)
- Keith Harper, "Native Americans and the Law" (November 11, 1999)
- Robert Bork, April 13, 1999
- Sam Margulies, March 17, 1999
- Stephen L. Carter, "Integrity and Civility" (October 21, 1998)
The United States and the United Kingdom: Still a Special Relationship?
- George Stiener, "The Archives of Eden Revisited" (March 23, 1998)
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Endowment for the Humanities and the Center for Church & Society
- Robert Aliber, March 20, 1998
- Martin Walker, March 20, 1998
- Alister McGrath, "Evangelicalism and the Future of Christianity" (March 20, 1998)
Three Conversations on Freedom (one cancelled)
- P. J. O'Rourke, "The Politics of Worry" (October 31, 1997)
- Ann Richards, "The Path Ahead for Women in Public Service" (March 24, 1997)
- Ronald Segal, "The Black Diasporas" (November 4, 1996)
Korea and the U.S. - Continuity and Change
- Steven Scholosstien, "U.S. and Korea in the Technology Revolution" (February 23, 1996)
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Endowment for the Humanities and the Center for Church & Society - Chang-Rae Lee, "Chang-Rae Lee Reads From His Fiction" (February 16, 1996)
- Dr. Donald Clark, "History of Modern Korea" (November 15, 1995)
- Joel Kotkin, "Ethnic Identity in the Global Economy" (November 3, 1995)
- Dr. Donald Nuechterlein, "Korea and U.S. Foreign Policy" (October 10, 1995)
Reflecting, Distorting or Enlightening? The Responsibility of the Media in American Life Community Lecture Series
- Michael Dukakis, "The Future of American Social Policy" (April 6, 1995)
- Daniel Schorr "The Effects of the Media on U.S. Politics" (November 15, 1994)
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Humanities Endowment and the Center for Church & Society - Nat Hentoff, "Violence and the Media" (November 10, 1994)
- Peter Steinfels, "War of the Worldviews: Religion and the Media" (October 26, 1994)
- William F. Buckley, "Reflections on Current Contentions: Role of Media" (October 11, 1994)
The Second Russian Revolution - Evening Lecture Series
- Secretary Lawrence Eagleburger, "The Future of United States-Russia Relations" (March 30, 1994)
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Humanities Endowment and the Center for Church & Society - Victor Pakhomkin and Natalia Mokina, "Contemporary Art in Russia" (March 15, 1994)
- Dr. Igor Zevelev, "Constitutional Reform in Post-Communist Russia" (March 1, 1994)
- Dr. Vladimir Mikhalev, "Social and Political Challenges of the Russian Economic Transformation" (February 22, 1994)
- Dr. Richard Stites, "Russian Popular Culture" (February 15, 1994)
- Dr. Kent Hill, "The Future of Religious Freedom in Russia: The Debate Over Evangelizing" (February 8, 1994)
- Dr. Dan Richardson, "Russia's Past.... Russia's Future" (February 1, 1994)
The Role of Women in Public Life, March 18, 1993
- Dr. Carol Swain, "Black Faces, Black Interests"
- Dr. Cecilia E. Rouse, "Women and the Labor Market: Trends, Problems and Political Solutions"
- Dr. M. Christine Stansell, "Public Women and Sexual Ambiguity: A Historian's Perspective"
Colloquium '92 Educating the Whole Person, January 16, 1992
- Ernest Boyer, "The Importance of General Education"
- Gilbert Meilaender, Jr., "Forming Both Heart and Mind: The Role of the Church-Related College"
- Robert Brustein, "Sense and Sensitivity: The Options of Multi-Culturalism"
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Humanities Endowment and The Center for Church and Society - Ralph Nader, "Earth Visions: The Citizens' Strategies to Sustain Our Environment" (March 19, 1992)
- Joe Clark, "Perspectives on Discipline, Citizenship and Education" (February 27, 1992)
- President Gerald R. Ford, "The President and the Congress: Can They Work Together?" (September 27, 1990)
- Ellen Goodman, "Women in Politics: Today's Challenges and Tomorrow's Opportunities" (March 3, 1990)
- Andrew Young, "Civil Rights in America: Reflections on Achievements and Unfulfilled Goals" (February 21, 1990)
In cooperation with the C & P Telephone Company - Ted Fiske, "The Role of Education in a Technocratic Society" (December, 1989)
- Admiral Stansfield Turner, "Terrorism and Democracy" (October 26, 1989)
- Elliot L. Richardson, "Ethics in Government" (October 4, 1989)
- Vladimir Sakharov, "Russia Now - 2010: Are Gorbachev and the New Economy for Real?" (March 15, 1989)
- Alex Haley, "Roots: A Saga of History" (February 9, 1989)
- Rick Boucher, "An Inside Look at Congressional Elections" (October 10, 1988)
- Robert N. Bellah, Lawrence M. Meade and William J. Raspberry, "The Meaning of Citizenship: Rights and Obligations in the 1990's" (April 8 - 9, 1988)
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Humanities Endowment and the Center for Church and Society - Dr. Stephen Jay Gould, "Human Equality is a Contingent Fact of History" (November 4, 1987)
A Celebration of Liberty: The Constitution, Culture and Change, April 3-4, 1987
- James Kilpatrick, "Freedom of the Press & Expression Under the Constitution"
- Martin Marty, "Freedom of Religion - Back To Square One with Amendment One"
- Edward Albee, "The Theatre vs. the Playwright"
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Humanities Endowment and the Center for Church & Society
Terrorism, the New War: A Symposium on America and the Middle East, March 3-5, 1987
- Col. Charles Scott, "The Terrorist Threat"
- E. Howard Hunt and Dr. Haten Hussaini, "Is One Man's Terrorist Another's
- Freedom Fighter" - Debate
- Dr. Warshawsky (moderator), "Reflections on the Middle East" - Panel discussion with Dr. Janice Saunders, Dr. John Selby, Dr. Ned Wisnefske
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Humanities Endowment
200 Years of Church & State Relations: 1786-1986, January 14, 1986
- Dr. Alan Geyer
- Barry W. Lynn
- Herbert W. Titus
A Conference Sponsored By Hollins College and Roanoke College in cooperation with the Hollins College General Speakers' Fund and the Donald L. Jordan Humanities Endowment
- Lord Peter Bauer, "An Economists Look at Foreign Aid" (October 14, 1986)
- Dr. Richard Lamerton, "The Hospice: An Alternative for the Dying" (October 16, 1986)
- Charles Robb, "Business and Politics: A Likely Match" (October 3, 1986)
- Dr. Willard Gaylin, "The Insanity Defense" (March 6, 1986)
Germany and the United States: Signals of Danger and Hope: A Conference of Distinguished Scholars and Statesmen
- Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, "The Future of the United Nations and the United States Foreign Policy" (October 25, 1985)
- Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, April 12, 1985
- Dr. Wolfhart Pannenberg, April 13, 1985
- Dr. Michael Naumann, April 13, 1985
- Walter J. Stoessel, Jr., April 13, 1985
- Henry H. Fowler as the Moderator of Panel Discussion, April 13, 1985
In cooperation with the Donald L. Jordan Humanities Endowment and the Center for Church and Society - Prof. James J. Gobert, "The Use of Social Science Research in Jury Selection & Persuasion" (September 29, 1984)
- Dr. Elizabeth F. Loftus and Dr. Robert G. Pachella, "Psychologists as Expert Witnesses: Role Conflicts & Ethical Questions" (September 29, 1984)
- Dr. Patrick H. De Leon, "The Relationship between Psychology and the Law" (September 29, 1984)
- President Jimmy Carter, "Conflict and Consensus: America Today" (April 10, 1984)
- Walter E. Williams, "Government Restraints on Economic Opportunity" (October 17, 1983)
- Henry A. Kissinger, "The Future Role of United States Foreign Policy" (May 3, 1983)
- Alfred E. Kahn, "Regulation and Deregulation: The Lessons of Experience" (January 10, 1983)