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Whether they arrive at Roanoke with a deep interest or are still searching for a direction, we’re here to guide each student on a highly personal journey to find their path, develop their strengths, define their values and embrace their potential. 

Students during move-in day

There are many ways you as parents can get involved:

1. Join the Parent Leadership Council (PLC). PLC members advocate for the school and its students, provide invaluable advice, and help raise money for the College. Learn more. 

2. Register for Maroon Mentors. Mentors help new Roanoke grads prepare for the real world by assisting with advising, interviewing and providing internships. Register now. 

3. Give to Roanoke College. Tuition only covers about 50% of what it actually costs to educate a student. The difference is provided by gifts from alumni, friends and parents. Giving is an investment that makes it possible for students to receive a top-notch education that will benefit them throughout life. Make A Gift.

4. Help set up internships for students. Internships are one of the best ways Roanoke students can prepare for a career. Offer one through an organization you run, or ask an organization you're involved with to consider offering one for a Roanoke student. Inquire here.

5. Spread the word. Tell friends, family and neighbors about Roanoke and the education your child is receiving. Like us on social media and share your child's school photos and experiences.

6. Come and visit! Family Weekend is a great way to see for yourself what your child is doing, meet professors, advisors and coaches, and talk with Career Services about how you can help them prepare for employment or graduate school.

"As parents, it's been incredibly rewarding to watch Jacob grow and broaden his horizons in such a supportive environment. We're confident that Roanoke College is setting him up for a bright future, no matter his path."

Anne and Mike Cherry, PLC Co-chairs 2024/25, Parents of Jacob '26