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Cornerstone Society

Loyal donors are the cornerstone of Roanoke College's success. In 2015, this society was established to recognize those who are committed to building a stronger, more affordable Roanoke for every student. This society honors those individuals who support the College annually through their gifts to the Roanoke Fund. 

Last fiscal year, the Roanoke Fund provided more than $4 million where the College needed it most! The generosity of our current members helps ensure that Roanoke continues to transform students’ lives as they prepare to become the future leaders that our communities need.

To attain Cornerstone Society membership, simply make a gift of any size to the Roanoke Fund for a minimum of three consecutive years. Consecutive years of giving are counted by fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.

To sustain membership, make a gift every fiscal year supporting the operations of the College. Gifts of cash, securities, insurance premiums and matching gifts are counted toward membership. Gifts directed to endowment or building projects do not count toward society membership.

To make a gift today, visit