Roanoke faculty learn from international peace experts
September 26, 2014

Roanoke College faculty members who teach courses in peace studies learned from national experts in June during a conference at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.
Four professors from the College attended the 6th annual Summer Institute for Faculty in Peace Studies Program Development, which was held at the University of Notre Dame. They were Dr. Mike Heller and Dr. Srikanth Mallavarapu, both English professors and co-coordinators of the Peace and Justice concentration at Roanoke, Dr. Shannon Anderson, a Sociology professor, and Dr. Andreea Mihalache-O'Keef, a professor of Public Affairs.
The four-day institute gave participants an opportunity to interact and network with a wide group of researchers, teachers and activists from 15 institutions, ranging from Stanford University to the Catholic University of South Sudan and the United States Institute for Peace.
The Roanoke professors interacted with leading figures in peace and justice studies, such as George Lopez, David Cortright and John Paul Lederach, who presented their perspectives on current approaches to teaching and research in the field. Read more about the institute here.
Published Sept. 26, 2014