Dr. Danielle Findley-Van Nostrand
Associate Professor

- Ph.D. in Psychology, University of South Florida, 2016
- M.A. in Psychology, University of South Florida, 2013
- B.A. in Psychology, University of South Florida, 2010
Research & Teaching Interests
- TEACHING INTERESTS include Developmental Psychology, Adolescent Development, Introduction to Psychology, Psychology of Aggression, Applied Methods, and supervised research
- RESEARCH INTERESTS include adolescent and adult peer relationships, aggression and violence, prosocial behaviors and empathy, social status and motivation, personality and the self, and academic motivation and persistence
- Ojanen, T. & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (2023). Is Bullying Always About Status? Status Goals, Forms of Bullying, Popularity and Peer Rejection during Adolescence. In press.
- Balasubramanian, R., Findley-Van Nostrand, D., & Fleenor, M. (2023). Programmatic innovations that accord with the retention of women in STEM careers. Frontiers in Education, 8, https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2023.1018241.
- Dillon-Owens, C., Findley-Van Nostrand, D.+ Ojanen, T., Buchholz, C., & Valdes, O.* (2022). Cognitive and affective empathy in adolescence: Ties to social-emotional adjustment. Social Psychology, 53(5), 292-302. https://psycnet.apa.org/doi/10.1027/1864-9335/a000499
- Lansu, T., Findley-Van Nostrand. D., & Cillessen, A. (2022). Popularity according to emerging adults: What defines it, and how to acquire it. Emerging Adulthood, 11(2), 331-335 https://doi.org/10.1177/21676968211066668
- Findley-Van Nostrand, D., & Ojanen, T. (2021). Interpersonal rejection and social motivation during adolescence: Moderation by narcissism and gender. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 183(2), 136-151, doi: 10.1080/00221325.2021.2017258
- Ojanen, T., & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (2020). Social goal development during middle school: Normative changes and prediction by self-esteem and narcissism. Journal of Genetic Psychology: Theory and Research on Human Development, 181(6), 427-442. DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2020.1792401
- Kuchynka, S., Findley-Van Nostrand, D., & Pollenz., R. (2019). Evaluating psychosocial mechanisms underlying STEM persistence in undergraduates: Scalability and longitudinal analysis of three cohorts from a six-day pre-college engagement STEM Academy program. CBE Life Sciences Education, 18(3), 18:ar41-18:ar41,13. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.19-01-0028
- Findley-Van Nostrand, D., & Ojanen, T. (2019). Forms of prosocial behaviors in adolescence: Proactive and altruistic behaviors are differentially linked to social goals and peer-reported status. Journal of Genetic Psychology: Theory and Research on Human Development, 179(6), 329-342. DOI: 10.1080/00221325.2018.1518894
- Ojanen, T. & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (2018). Affective-interpersonal and impulsive-antisocial psychopathy: Links to social goals and forms of aggression in youth and adults. Psychology of Violence, 9(1), 56-66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/vio0000160
- Findley-Van Nostrand, D. & Pollenz, R.S. (2017). Evaluating psychosocial mechanisms underlying STEM persistence in undergraduates: Evidence of impact from a six-day pre-college engagement STEM Academy program. CBE Life Sciences Education, 16ar36, 1-15. DOI: 10.1187/cbe.16-10-0294
- Ojanen, T., Findley-Van Nostrand, D., Bowker, J., & Markovic, A. (2017) Examining the distinctiveness and the socio-emotional correlates of anxious-withdrawal and unsociability during early adolescence in Finland. Journal of Early Adolescence, 37 (3), 443-446. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431615609156
- Ojanen, T., & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (2014). Social goals, aggression, peer preference, and popularity: Longitudinal links during middle school. Developmental Psychology, 50(8), 2134-2143. DOI: 10.1037/a0037137
- Findley, D., & Ojanen, T. (2013). Adolescent social resource control: Associations with physical and relational aggression, prosocial and withdrawn behaviors, and peer regard. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 37(6), 518-529. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165025413503420
- Findley, D. & Ojanen, T. (2013). Agentic and communal goals in early adulthood: Associations with narcissism, empathy, and perceptions of self and others. Self and Identity, 12(5), 504-526. https://doi.org/10.1080/15298868.2012.694660
- Ojanen, T., Findley, D., & Fuller, S. (2012). Overt and relational aggression in early adolescence: Associations with narcissism, temperament, and social goals. Aggressive Behavior, 38(2), 99-107. doi: 10.1002/ab.21413.
Available as a Media resource for the following topics
- Aggression
- Peer relationships
- Adolescence
- Psychology
- College teaching
Conference Presentations (since 2019)
- *indicates mentored undergraduate author
- Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (November, 2023). Short-Term Longitudinal Associations among Young Adults’ Social Goals, Relational Aggression, Forms of Prosocial Behaviors, and Self-Perceived Status. Society for Southeastern Social Psychology annual conference, Charlotte, NC
- Powell, D., Findley-Van Nostrand, D., & Fetinci, K.* (2023). Friendship Dissolutions in Emerging Adulthood: Differing Reactions Based on Type and Role in Dissolution. To be presented at the National Council of Family Relations meeting, Orlando FL.
- Powell, C* & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (February 2023). With friends like these, who sees enemies? Understanding effects of peer and parental attachment and hostile attribution bias on aggression. Poster presented at the annual Society for Social and Personality Psychology conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Parker, E.* & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (February 2023). Relational victimization and gender identity as predictors of adjustment in emerging adults. Poster presented at the annual Society for Social and Personality Psychology conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Findley-Van Nostrand, D., & Campbell, B.* (November 2021). Relational Aggression in Emerging Adults: The Roles of Peer Status and Affiliated Motives, Strategies, and Insecurity. Talk presented at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood conference
- Lansu, T., Findley-Van Nostrand, D., & Cillessen, A. (November 2021). Popularity According to Emerging Adults: What Defines it, and How to Acquire it. Talk presented at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood conference
- Campbell, B.* & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (October 2021). Effects of elicited jealousy on relational aggression in men: The roles of masculine contingency and threatened masculinity. Society for Southeastern Social Psychologists annual conference
- Bacon, S.*, & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (February, 2021). Authenticity and motives for belonging and popularity: Associations with self-presentational strategies on social media. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
- Bructo, C.*., & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (February, 2021). Achievement goal orientations and persistence in STEM majors: Associations and differences by gender and underrepresented minority status. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
- Campbell, B.* & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (February, 2021). Relational aggression in emerging adults: Associations with resource control strategies and social status. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
- Caulder, S.* & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (February, 2021). Grandiose and pathological narcissism: Associations with Hostile Attribution Bias and Provoked Aggression. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting
- Bacon, S.*, Gough, C.J.*, & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (October 2019). Social goals for peer status: Associations with aggressive reactions to provocation in emerging adults. Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada.
- Findley-Van Nostrand, D., Ojanen, T., & Foutz, A.* (March, 2019). Early Adolescent Self-Concept Clarity: Negative Affect, Aggression, and Mediation by Self-Esteem. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Baltimore, MD
- Foutz, A.*, Findley-Van Nostrand, D., & Azar, C.* (March, 2019). Associations among Parental Perspectives of Children’s Theory of Mind, Relationships with Parents, and Social Difficulties. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Baltimore, MD
- Ojanen, T. & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (March, 2019). Social Goal Development during Middle School: Normative Changes and Prediction by Self-Esteem and Narcissism. Paper in symposium chaired by Trucco, E. “Circle Up: Using Interpersonal Theory and the Interpersonal Circumplex to Understand Interpersonal Relationships Across Development”. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Baltimore, MD
- Dillon-Owens, C.*, Findley-Van Nostrand, D., Buchholz, C., & Ojanen, T. (March, 2019). Early Adolescent Cognitive and Affective Empathy: Direct and Interactive Ties to Social-Emotional Adjustment. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Baltimore, MD
- Powell, D., & Findley-Van Nostrand, D. (March, 2019). Variations on a Lifespan Development Project Intended to Enhance Quality of Student Outcomes and Reflection of Reality. Society for Research in Child Development Teaching Institute. Baltimore, MD
- Bancroft, S., Fowler, S., Thompson, K., Killion, Simon, Ware, Pollenz, Findley-Van Nostrand, Rothman, & Reynolds. (March, 2019) A Tool to Assess the Impact of STEM Research Experiences on Identity, Community and Belonging. National Association of Research on Science Teaching Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD