Don’t Make These Mistakes in Your College Search
Prioritizing colleges with felinesque mascots because you really, really like cats
Choosing a school based on how good you look in its team colors
"But, I don't look good in green."
Picking the best school for a major in bioinformatics, only to switch to English after the first semester
And then: biochemistry, sociology, and political science. Then, business.
You based your impression on the school without visiting
It looked better in the viewbook.
Your shortlist matches The Princeton Review’s Top Party School listing
Not the skills you'll need.
You only looked at state colleges because you thought private colleges weren’t affordable.
But then, your BFF got a big scholarship from a private college.
Only looking at schools that were close to home
Oh. Hi, Dad.
Only looking at schools that are too far away
I've got to get out of here. Way out of here.
You were worried your grades weren’t perfect, so you didn’t express interest to the college
Tell them you really like their college. Impetus counts more than perfection.
Choosing a college based on how often the school plays football on ESPN.
Try asking actual students if their professors are inspiring.
Putting too much emphasis on how many fast food outlets are on campus.
There's more interesting things to do at college than to "live más."
Choosing your college based on where your S.O. is going.
But, you break up during the summer, and then there they are on campus. Everywhere. You. Go.
Not picking a college based on what fits you
Take the Roanoke College Fit Quiz.