Established in 1972, the Tuition Assistance Grant Program (VTAG) is designed to assist Virginia residents who attend accredited private, non-profit colleges and universities in Virginia for other than religious training or theological education (NOTE: Students majoring in Religion at Roanoke College would still be eligible for VTAG, Theology Majors would not be eligible according to this criteria). The VTAG is authorized in Chapter 4.1 Section 23-38.11 through 18 of the Code of Virginia as the Tuition Assistance Grant Act.
Application Process
Applications may be acquired from the Roanoke College financial aid office. Completed applications must be submitted to the financial aid office on, or before, July 31 prior to the fall semester of enrollment. Applications submitted after July 31, but no later than December 1, will be considered for an award only if funds are available.
While this does not cover all of the eligibility requirements, the basic criteria are:
The award amount is based on the number of eligible students and the amount of funds appropriated by the General Assembly.
Awards are automatically renewed provided that the student continues to meet eligibility requirements and has not exceeded the maximum number of years of eligibility.