Responsibility for Academic Integrity
All members of the College community–faculty, staff, and students alike–are responsible for assuring academic integrity at Roanoke College.
Faculty Responsibilities
At the beginning of each course, faculty members will distribute a syllabus, one section of which should address the college's academic integrity policy. That statement should also outline any specific expectations for integrity in that particular course. Faculty members have an obligation to make clear their expectations for work that is required of students in special situations such as group assignments, laboratory work, independent studies, research practica, and out-of-class assignments. Department chairs are responsible for ensuring that faculty members in their departments appropriately address academic integrity issues and concerns in their syllabi and course requirements. Faculty members are also responsible for proctoring, or for having proctored, with due diligence all quizzes, tests, and examinations. No student should be permitted to proctor a quiz, test, or examination.
Faculty members may require students to write an integrity pledge on any work (such as tests, papers, examinations, and other assignments) submitted in a course.
Faculty members should be careful not to provide unauthorized assistance to students in other classes who are working on out-of-class projects or assignments.
When faculty members believe that a violation of academic integrity has been committed, they are obligated to report the violation, in writing, to the Chair of the Academic Integrity Council. Faculty members are expected to adhere to the procedures outlined herein for the processing of suspected academic integrity violations.
Staff Responsibilities
College staff members are also responsible for reporting, in writing to the Chair of the Academic Integrity Council, apparent violations of academic integrity that they have observed. Staff members should be careful not to provide unauthorized assistance to students working on out-of-class projects or assignments. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs is responsible for reviewing the syllabi of faculty members to ensure that each contains an appropriate statement about the course's academic integrity policy.
Student Responsibilities
All students have a responsibility to ensure the integrity of their own work. Students should seek the guidance of their professors to avoid committing plagiarism, and they should not seek unauthorized forms of assistance in completing or preparing assignments-whether in-class or out-of-class-for a course. The ultimate responsibility for academic integrity rests with students, and ignorance of the academic integrity system is not an acceptable excuse for violations.
Although students often think academic integrity violations involve only someone receiving aid (from another person or source), it is as much of a violation of integrity to give unauthorized assistance.
If students are enrolled in a course in which an academic integrity policy statement does not appear on the syllabus, they should immediately raise the question with the professor.
If students observe cheating, lying, plagiarism, or other violations of academic integrity, they are obligated to inform the professor of the course or the Chair of the Academic Integrity Council.
Students are encouraged-but may be required by a faculty member-to write a pledge on all work submitted in a course. The student may write the word PLEDGE and sign the work or may write and sign a pledge such as, "I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work." By making such a pledge, students reinforce their commitment to high standards of integrity.
If called upon to participate in the academic integrity process-for example, to sit as a member of an Integrity Board or Panel or to serve as a witness at a hearing-students are expected to provide their fullest cooperation. Failure to participate subverts the system and diminishes the standards of academic integrity for the entire college community.
Final Word
Academic integrity is vitally important to us all. Only with the certainty that the integrity of all members of this institution will be inviolate can we pursue our academic goals with confidence and with freedom. But that certainty can be ensured only by the dedication and commitment of all of us to the highest standards of honor.
Read more: Appendix A