Sexual Misconduct / Title IX
Roanoke College remains committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming educational and working environment, free from sex discrimination and sexual misconduct. Sexual harassment of any kind, including sexual violence, interferes with students’ right to receive an education free from discrimination. Further, sexual violence is also a crime.
Roanoke College Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy
Get Help
- Call 911
- Call Campus Safety internally by dialing 2310 or externally by dialing 540-375-2310. Our Campus Safety department is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Confidential Support
- Student Health and Counseling, 540-375-2286, Email
- Office of the Chaplain, 540-375-2300, Email
- Roanoke Valley Sexual Assault Resources
Official On-Campus Reporting or Support (Title IX Coordinators)
Name | Title | Office Phone | Type of Misconduct | |
Teresa J. Ramey, Ed.D. | VP for Community, Diversity, and Inclusion; Title IX Coordinator | 540-444-4535 | | Any violation of this policy by or against faculty, staff or students |
Amy Perkins | Associate Dean of Students; Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 540-375-2597 | | Any violation of this policy by or against students |
Dr. Dave Taylor, Ph.D. | Assistant VP for Academic Operations; Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 540-375-4933 | | Any violation of this policy by or against faculty or assists with cases involving students when requested to report to a male staff person |
Kathy Martin | Associate VP for Human Resources; Deputy Title IX Coordinator | 540-375-2262 | | Any violation of this policy by or against staff |
Anonymous Reports
Anonymous reports can be made to the College by utilizing Campus Safety’s Silent Witness form online. Please be aware that anonymous reports of alleged violations of Title IX may limit the College’s ability to effectively investigate or respond to reports.
Consent is informed, freely and actively given and mutually understandable words or actions that indicate a willingness to participate in mutually agreed-upon sexual activity. Consent is mutually understandable when a reasonable person would consider the words or actions of the parties to have manifested a mutually understandable agreement between them to engage in certain conduct with each other. Consent cannot be gained by ignoring or acting regardless of the objections of another.
Title IX strictly prohibits retaliation against an individual for raising an allegation of sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct, for cooperating in an investigation or hearing of such a complaint, or for opposing discriminatory practices prohibited by either interim policy.
Help is available for anyone who thinks they may have been the subject of sexual misconduct by others. Confidential support is available from Student Health and Counseling and the Office of the Chaplain. Whether or not someone eventually chooses to file a formal complaint, Dean Amy Perkins is available to help students sort through supportive measures that may be available such as adjustments to schedules, housing changes, or no contact orders. She can help students understand their options so that they can make informed choices.
Initial student complaints should be directed to Amy Perkins, Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Students, 540-375-2597, Mrs. Perkins will then discuss reporting options with the student and will appoint the investigator(s) if the Complaint is subject to the new Title IX guidelines.
After completion of the investigation, the matter proceeds to a hearing, comprised of trained experts within the Roanoke College community and trained experts outside of the Roanoke College community. The hearing officer will decide the final outcome or the determination of responsibility. Sanctions are determined by the School/ unit of the respondent (the person identified as engaging in the misconduct).
Roanoke College uses the preponderance of evidence standard in determining responsibility. Preponderance of evidence means, based on the circumstances and information gathered during an investigation, it is more likely than not that a violation of the policy occurred.
Title IX requires responsible employees to share information with the School/unit Title IX Resource Coordinator or the University Title IX Office when they learn about concerns of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct.
Our staff has received Title IX training from the nation’s top organizations. Aaron Fetrow, interim director, completed training from NACUA and the deputies received investigator training facilitated by Gentry Locke Attorneys.
College Staff Requirements
Any staff (to include RAs), faculty, or other non-student member of the College community who becomes aware of possible sexual misconduct must report the possible misconduct to one of the College's Title IX Coordinators as soon as possible. (Excluded from this requirement are employees who work in or for either the Office of Student Health & Counseling or the Office of the Chaplain.)