Information for Faculty Aware of an AI Violation
Information for Faculty who are Aware of an Academic Integrity Violation
Do I Need to Talk to Anyone Before I Bring a Charge?
You are not required to meet with or talk with anyone before bringing an Academic Integrity charge. You may, however, choose to meet with the student(s) involved. The purposes of this meeting could include (a) obtaining more information about the situation, (b) confronting the student about suspected behavior, or (c) informing the student that you are filing a charge. You also have the option of meeting with the Chair of the Academic Integrity Council for advice about whether a particular situation constitutes a violation, about how to compose a charge letter, or about whether you have sufficient evidence to bring a charge. You can also seek the advice of your department chair or any member of the Academic Integrity Council on these matters. While you may discuss a case in general terms, it is your responsibility to protect the identity of the student(s) involved. If you seek the advice of your department chair or another faculty member, do not reveal a student's name or any information that would reveal the identity of the student suspected of a violation.
Do I Put Myself at Risk by Reporting a Charge?
No. Colleges' established procedures for dealing with Academic Integrity violations are respected by the courts. Faculty members who follow these procedures do not put themselves at risk. However, for example, if a faculty member does not report a violation, but instead imposes a penalty apart from a hearing, the faculty member risks liability for failing to follow our own procedures. If you have any questions about this, please talk to the Chair of the Academic Integrity Council.
How Much Time do I Have to File to a Charge?
If you suspect that an Academic Integrity violation has ocurred, you have 48 hours to consult with the Chair of the Academic Integrity Council about your suspicion (excluding holidays, weekends, or other breaks in the calendar).
After conferring with the Chair of the Academic Integrity Council, you have another 48 hours (excluding holidays, weekends, or breaks in the calendar) to submit a report.
In care or unusual circumstances, additional time between discovery of the alleged violation and the filing of the report may be granted by the Chair of the Council.
It's the End of the Semester and Grades are Due. Should I Report a Grade?
If the deadline for grades is approaching and you suspect a student of a violation (or you have filed a charge and the hearing has not yet taken place), you should report a grade of "NG" (No Grade).
What Should a Charge Letter Include?
There is no set format for a charge letter. However, the following items should be included in your letter:
- A clear statement of the charge being brought (see pp. 2-3 of the AI Handbook for a list of violations);
- The name(s) of the student(s) being charged;
- The course in which the violation occurred;
- A course syllabus and relevant assignment sheet;
- An explanation of the evidence that supports the charge.
In plagiarism cases, please make sure to include the student's work and the sources from which you believe material was plagiarized along with your charge letter. It is especially helpful if the correspondences between these two are clearly marked in some fashion (e.g., with highlighting or underline along with matching letters or numbers). If you use Turnitin, feel free to submit that report as well, although please realize that this report cannot substitute for the the student's work or the source documents.
Revised September 2024