Advisor Process for Acting on Add/Drop Requests
Advisor Process for Acting on Add/Drop Requests
Summary of process:
- Students who wish to change their course schedule (add/drop) will complete and submit a Request for Change to Course Schedule, which is accessible under Academics in the hamburger menu in Self-Service.
- Advisors will receive email notification with a link to the request.
- Advisors will then proceed to the provided link, or directly here, to access, review, and act on the request.
- Once acted upon by the advisor, the Registrar’s Office will receive and process the request, after which students will receive email confirmation of the action taken.
What this means for returning students:
Returning students may initiate course schedule changes using Self-Service and/or the mobile Ellucian GO App up until the end of the first week of classes. Immediately following the first week of classes, a Request for Change to Course Schedule is required for all changes to course schedules. Students will receive email confirmation once an academic advisor and the Registrar’s Office have acted on the request. The academic calendar details the specific add/drop deadlines for the term in question. Students may find instructions for completing electronic course schedule requests here.
What this means for new students:
For students enrolled in their first term at the College, a Request for Change to Course Schedule is required for all changes to course schedules. Students will receive email confirmation once an academic advisor and the Registrar’s Office have acted on the request. The academic calendar details the specific add/drop deadlines for the term in question. Students may find instructions for completing electronic course schedule requests here.
Process for acting on advisee requests for changes to course schedules:
- Academic advisors will receive email notification with a link to the request:
- Advisors will then proceed to the provided link by clicking on “View Request,” or proceeding directly here, to access, review, and act on the request. There is also a link to the advisees’ advising profile if needed:
- A splash page will appear asking to confirm your selection. Once “yes” is clicked, the Registrar’s Office will receive and process the request, after which students will receive email confirmation of the action taken.