How to Request a Change to Course Schedule (Add/Drop)
Adding/Dropping Courses
For Returning Students:
Returning students may initiate changes to their course schedules in Self-Service and/or the mobile Ellucian GO App up until the end of the first week of classes. Immediately following the first week of classes, a Request for Change to Course Schedule is required for all changes to course schedules. Students will receive email confirmation once an academic advisor and the Registrar’s Office have acted on the request. The academic calendar details the specific add/drop deadlines for the term in question. Please find instructions for completing electronic course schedule requests below.
For New Students:
A Request for Change to Course Schedule is required for all changes to course schedules. Students will receive email confirmation once an academic advisor and the Registrar’s Office have acted on the request. The academic calendar details the specific add/drop deadlines for the term in question. Please find instructions for completing electronic course schedule requests below.
For Academic Advisors:
Academic advisors will receive an email notification per request. A direct link to the request is included therein, but it may also be accessed here. Please be aware that students with multiple academic advisors will select one advisor of choice per request. Also, please note that both the Advisor and Instructor Add and Drop Reports will continue to run on a daily basis. The Registrar's Office will be notified once an advisor has acted on a request, after which, once processed, students will receive email confirmation of the action taken.
Process for Requesting a Change to Course Schedule:
- Using your Roanoke College credentials, log in to Self-Service and click on the “hamburger menu” icon located at the top left of the page. Next, click the arrow located to the right of Academics and click Request for Change to Course Schedule from the accordion dropdown.
- The next screen that appears is the Request for Change to Course Schedule landing page:
Select add or drop and the appropriate term as shown below. (Please note that this tutorial only details the request to add process. If you are requesting to drop a class, then please select drop and your current class schedule will appear on the screen. Select the course you wish to drop and then click Request at the bottom of the screen.)
- Select a term and all active course offerings will appear in alphabetical order by subject.
- Select a subject and all active course offerings for that subject in the selected term will appear.
- Select the course that you want to add, select your reviewer, and then select Request. In most cases, you will select an academic advisor form this list. In special cases, such as when your academic advisor is unavailable, select the Center for Learning and Teaching.
- In addition to an email notification, you will receive the following confirmation following your submission. You will receive a second email notification once an academic advisor and the Registrar’s Office have acted on the request.