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Showing 21-30 of 39 news stories.
Rising sophomore Casey Wilson and rising junior Jenna Novosel have been selected by the US-UK Fulbright Commission to experience the UK through the Fulbright Summer Institute.
Busse awarded Fulbright to study in Denmark
April 05, 2018
Kaitlin Busse '18 has received a Fulbright award to conduct research and study in Denmark at the Copenhagen Business School. She is the twelfth Fulbright student recipient at Roanoke College.
Samuel McKnight, a sophomore, has been awarded a Critical Language Scholarship to study Russian language this summer in Vladimir, Russia. He is the first Roanoke College student to receive this competitive award.
Leipzig Program will Take Roanoke Students to German City
January 16, 2018
Do you want to study abroad, but are concerned about costs and credit transfers? A new study abroad program that takes students to Leipzig, Germany might just be the perfect option.
Lewis Receives Gilman award to study in Paris
December 12, 2017
The history and international relations major is only the second Roanoke student to be awarded a Gilman for study in Europe.
Students gain real experience in Washington Semester internships
November 21, 2017
For 31 years, Roanoke College students have gained real-world experiences in the nation's capital through what is now known as the Lutheran College Washington Semester Program.
Gouveia to study art history in second Fulbright award
April 05, 2017
Brieanah Gouveia received Fulbright Study Award to Scotland's University of Glasgow for an art history program titled Collecting and Provenance in an International Context.
Wicander earns Fulbright ETA to Spain
April 05, 2017
Kristen Wicander will be teaching English to children ages 6-12 in La Rioja, Spain. In addition, the Spanish and psychology major will be teaching social studies, science, and American culture.
Morris earns prestigious JET position
May 24, 2016
Sarah Morris '16 will work full-time for a year as Assistant Language Teachers in the public school system.
Roanoke's Hannah Bear goes to King's College London with prestigious Fulbright Summer Institute for session on Wonderland: 100 years of children's literature.