Parking (Cars and Bikes)

Get parking decals
Decals for the 2024 - 2025 academic year are now available.
Motor Vehicles (including motorcycles / mopeds)
Faculty, Staff and Students
All Roanoke College students, faculty and staff must have a properly displayed, current Roanoke College decal on their vehicle in order to park on Roanoke College property. Please take a moment to read over the Roanoke College Parking Policy.
Parking Citation Appeals - Appeals must be submitted in writing within 14 days of receiving the citation. All appeals go through the Dean of Students Office.
Visitors on campus between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Mondays-Fridays and those who are staying overnight must pick up a temporary parking pass from the Office of Campus Safety (9 N. College Avenue). Visitor parking passes are good for a limited duration and must be properly displayed on the vehicle.
To obtain a visitor pass:
- If visiting during normal business hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays-Fridays), please see the department you're visiting for more information or come to the Campus Safety office.
- If visiting overnight, please come to the Campus Safety office (open 24 hours).
The visitor must be present and have a valid, state-issued driver's license.
All visitors must park in designated visitor parking areas. (More information about parking for Admissions visitors.)
Students are permitted (and encouraged) to have bicycles on campus. Please make sure to register the bicycle with the Office of Campus Safety.
Construction Parking Updates
The following changes have been implemented to free up parking space for faculty and staff on campus:
- Lot P-28 (directly behind the old post office) is Faculty/Staff ONLY until further notice.
- Lot P-15 (corner of Clay Street/N. Market) is Faculty/Staff ONLY until further notice.
- The North Bast section of P-7 is Faculty/Staff ONLY until further notice.
- The area behind 102 N. Market (the corner house recently purchased by the college) is Faculty/Staff ONLY.
Students may continue to park in the Hawthorne lot (P-21) and the lower Olin lot (P-11).
Updated: 9/13/24