Group Work and INQ 300 Materials
Roanoke College faculty members may use any of the materials below in their classes or may modify these material as desired.
Preparing students for Group Work
Group Resume: Asks groups to discuss their individual skills and experiences. These are recorded in a group resume. Helps reveal roles that individual may play. Provided by Katherine Hoffman.
Group Contract: Ask each group to develop rules for responsibility and consequences for breaking rules. Students then sign a contract. Provided by Katherine Hoffman.
Peer and Self Evaluation of Performance in a Group Project
Group Member Evaluation Form: Form for student to evaluate the other members of a group
Group Entire Performance: Form for student to evaluate the group process
Group Work Log. Weekly report by students of progress and participation. Shared by Gary Hollis.
Faculty Evaluation of Student Group Work
Rubric for Team Meeting with Instructor: Rubric to score and provide feedback to team members based upon what a faculty member observes when the teach meets with the instructor. Developed by Adrienne Bloss and Lane Destro.
Group Assignments
Written Evaluative List: a list of written items, intermediate documents, and assignments that an instructor could use to provide ways to asses both individuals and groups
Description of final INQ 300 project. Shared by Gary Hollis
Peer Response to an INQ 300 final project. Shared by Gary Hollis
Grading Sheets
Group Presentation Running Column Evaluation: Grading form to use during a group oral presentation. Each student gets one column. Each item within a column is scored 0 to 5 (not present to excellent)
Group Presentation Page Critiques: Grading form to use during a group oral presentation. Each student gets one page. Overall group gets one additional page.
Group Project Summary: Sample grading summary for a multi-component group project
Grading Sheet for Final INQ 300 Project. Shared by Gary Hollis.
Formal Defense
Student Defenses PowerPoint: Short PowerPoint with advice to prepare both presenter and responders at an oral defense
Debate Points: Helpful lists of stock issues from debates that can help student prepare for a formal defense by looking for common problems, questions, and vulnerabilities
Final Reflection
Final Reflection Assignment after major project in INQ 300. Shared by Gary Hollis.